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Paul Ramsden26 Sep - 20:46
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Sweeten faces fitness test as he bids to retain the title in TOG24 sponsored golf day

Paul Sweeten’s bid to retain the coveted LCC golf day maroon jacket and Frank Eggleton Memorial Shield may be over before it starts!
Sweeten is undergoing an intensive regime of physiotherapy by resident masseuse Catherine in a desperate attempt to make the shotgun start at Lightcliffe Golf Club on Friday 4th October.
“I’ll be gutted if I can’t defend my title Rambo” Sweeten informed from his Bramley Lane mansion house. “I’ve been proud to wear the maroon jacket since 2017 and I’m having sleepless nights thinking about losing the finest item of clothing in my wardrobe.”
The “golfers” meet for lunch at Lightcliffe Golf Club at noon with a 1pm start. There are prizes for nearest the pin and longest drive in the TOG24 sponsored golf day.
After rehydrating for an hour or two, dinner will be served at LCC before the multi talented sportsmen swap their golf slacks for 80s dancing gear and welcome their better halves with the glitter ball out for the LCC 80s night with renowned live act “We ain’t twins.”
(Tickets still available!)

Incredibly, it is 7 years since the last LCC golfing spectacular as the organisers of this esteemed competition wisely avoided several years either side of COVID-19.
Returning to the here and now, Sweeten and all the other would be maroon jacket wearers will have their work cut out this year with scratch golfer Red Slover the bookies early favourite.

Four golf places remain - contact Paul Ramsden if you’d like one of the remaining places.
The 32 confirmed are:

Paul Sweeten
Jordan Laban
Niall Lockley
Jordan Pickles
Richard Leach
Redford Holdsworth
Myles Holdsworth
Bruce Lunn
James Horne
Jocky Wilson
Alex Stead
Roger Stead
John Stead
Nev Sheldrake
Craig Ayrton
Rhys Jowett
Dom Finn
Mike Brooke
Rob Burton
Tom Burton
John Burton
Andy Walker
Eddie Walker
Matt Dalzell
Rob Dalzell
Adrian Frearson
Martin Henry
Mick Wood
Dan Wood
Ollie Akroyd
Andy Mear
Paul Ramsden

Further reading